Day 3: Akita Kanto Matsuri

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On the flutists count, 200 bamboo poles carrying 46 candle lit lanterns each are hoisted up into the air and then precariously balanced there on just the hip, shoulder, palm, or forehead of a single man! The first man starts with a short pole, then a few minutes later a new man rotates in and an extension is added to the pole. This continues until the poles are 12m high and weigh 50kg, all while the taiko drums beat, the flutists play, and the onlookers cheer “Dokkoisho dokkoisho!” as the men stoically try to outdo each other!

On the hip

On the shoulder

On the forehead!
Tom lifting one of the poles himself. The men were amazed when he could actually do it!

The biggest smile I've ever seen!

And one of the cutest! 

These boys had mini poles that they would practice lifting during the festival.
The forehead method was their favourite, but as a result the pole didn't spend much time in the air!


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